Parish Council Elections – May 2019

Parish Council elections are happening on 2 May 2019 and this is your opportunity to get involved!

election poster

This is an exciting time to become part of your parish council and:

– Get involved with your local community
– Have a say about local issues that people care about
– Influence local service delivery
– Decide how funding is spent to improve the community

You need to be over 18 years old and fit one of the criteria listed below:

Requirements to becoming a councillor:

  • You have either during the whole of the 12 months before the day on which nominated as a candidate, or the day of the election, resided in the parish or within 3 miles
  • You have occupied as owner / tenant any land or premises in the parish during the whole of the 12 months before the day of their nomination and the day of the election
  • Your principle or only place of work in the parish during the whole of the 12 months before the day of their nomination and the day of election
  • You are at the date of your nomination (and continue to be) on the electoral register as a local government elector for the parish in which they wish to stand

Disqualifications from being a councillor:

A person may be disqualified from becoming a councillor in the following ways:

  • If they hold a paid office for the parish council
  • If they are the subject of a bankruptcy restriction
  • If they have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of three months or more (including a suspended sentence) during the five years before poling day
  • If they have been disqualified under the representation of the People Act 1983

Nomination papers

The Parish Clerk can provide an email link to nomination papers – [email protected].  The candidate must be nominated by a proposer and a seconder who are electors in the area for which the candidate seeks office. 
Your proposer and seconder will need their elector number.  This can be obtained by contacting Broadland Council on 01603 430483.

The formal timetable for the election is as follows:


Activity Due Date Action Taken by
Publication of notice of election.  26 March. District Council.

Deadline for delivery of nomination papers to Broadland Council (BDC). 

These must be taken in person, not posted or emailed.



3 April at 4pm. Person standing for election.
Deadline for withdrawal of nomination  3 April by 4pm Person standing for election
Publication of statement of persons nominated  4 April BDC
Publication of notice of poll (if enough candidates received to hold election)  24 April BDC
Polling Day  2 May, 7am – 10pm. BDC
Retiring Councillors stand down  7 May All Councillors from previous term
New Councillors take office.  7 May All councillors
Circulation of meeting summons to retiring Chairman and those elected  8 May Clerk
Annual Parish Meeting  14 May

All Councillors. 

Former Chairman should Chair

Annual Parish Council Meeting 14 May

All Councillors. 

Former Chairman should manage election of Chairman before stepping down.

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